30 March 2009


people share their lives, building themselves as the characters of their own stories and the realities within which they live



rahovaVIEWoutSIDE laBOMBAstudios

Sensitive Map | Speaker's Corner

The Sensitive Map was an artistic documentation and social intervention in Rahova-Uranus area, Bucharest, 2006. The initiative aimed at discovering the connections between the people in Rahova and the places they inhabit. The two main components of the project were: the production of a video documentary material and transforming the square at the crossroads of Calea Rahova and Sabinelor in a park, a space of public debate.

Sensitive Map | Urban Mobile Laboratory

The Man Without Stories...
Each group of 3-5 kids draws the outline of one trainer. The next step is to fill the draw line of the body with their personal stories or wishes or invented stories. The group gives a name to this man who has now a personality given by the amount of stories he has inside. The men are exhibit on laBOMBAsudios walls...


















artists meet artists | active arts

Toma Marius

Dan Perjovschi
Toma Marius will meet Dan Perjovschi.

from active art to active citizenship

The meetings – social signal that the artistic community is put in danger by the process of gentrification. On 1st of April, laBOMBAstudios is supposed to leave the space. The company of lawyers that ask for the space couldn’t present till this moment a complete file that proves the existence of an owner that is intituled to receive this building. The interest of Chereches&Chereches in this area is raised by the value of the lands in the middle of the city, an aria that is in continual gentrification process for the last 5 years.

Fragment from the press, Academia Catavencu, 4th of February 2009:
“Chereches family (husband and wife) are layers. They became press stars because they succeeded until this moment some juridical “special effects” that make you think that Romania in itself it’s a hallucination. The scheme they use is inspired by the biblical Lazarus resurrection. The only difference from the New Testament miracle story is that they resurrect ex-owners that died long time ago and used to have in property the buildings in very expensive arias of the city. The miracle happens only on papers, because the owners never show up in reality. They rest unknown.
The analysis of the documents provided by Chereches surprised the journalists who observed that the papers are fake. Another miracle is that the city hall and the other authorities accept so easily these fake documents as valid.
The problem is that in such cases, common people are thrown out of their houses(evicted) without being offered a social house from the city hall that applies the law after a decision based on a dubious file.”
Mircea Toma

fake document exhibition - anActive ART ExhibitionON theWALL

In laBOMBAsudios the press and the civil society was invited to the “Place for the Readers” to go through the materials used by Chereches in the trial. Mister Eremia, member of the community exhibits on the walls the papers from the file with his interpretation of it.
The Generosity Offensive Initiative organized meetings with representatives of civic society, people of the community, press and other companies of lawyers to discuss this process and to get attention to this space and other spaces that are going through the same process. Also, the Generosity Offensive Initiative signals the fact that while building offices, Malls and supermarkets in Bucharest, the educational and artistic offer is practically inexistent in the such arias and communities. While it is an unique initiative of this kind in Bucharest, laBOMBAsudios could function as a model for different other communities in Bucharest.

scoala generala la laBOMBAstudios

Discuție liberă și proiecții despre conceptul de Artă Comunitară / Artă Activă dezvoltat de Ofensiva Generozității 2006-2009; conceptul de Teatru Comunitar dezvoltat de tangaProject / sub Inițiativa Ofensiva Generozității; apariția primului Centru Comunitar din București, laBOMBAstudios / empowered by Ofensiva Generozității.
Discuție condusă de Maria Draghici, Irina Gâdiuță, Bogdan Georgescu.