The meetings – social signal that the artistic community is put in danger by the process of gentrification. On 1st of April, laBOMBAstudios is supposed to leave the space. The company of lawyers that ask for the space couldn’t present till this moment a complete file that proves the existence of an owner that is intituled to receive this building. The interest of Chereches&Chereches in this area is raised by the value of the lands in the middle of the city, an aria that is in continual gentrification process for the last 5 years.
Fragment from the press, Academia Catavencu, 4th of February 2009:
“Chereches family (husband and wife) are layers. They became press stars because they succeeded until this moment some juridical “special effects” that make you think that Romania in itself it’s a hallucination. The scheme they use is inspired by the biblical Lazarus resurrection. The only difference from the New Testament miracle story is that they resurrect ex-owners that died long time ago and used to have in property the buildings in very expensive arias of the city. The miracle happens only on papers, because the owners never show up in reality. They rest unknown.
The analysis of the documents provided by Chereches surprised the journalists who observed that the papers are fake. Another miracle is that the city hall and the other authorities accept so easily these fake documents as valid.
The problem is that in such cases, common people are thrown out of their houses(evicted) without being offered a social house from the city hall that applies the law after a decision based on a dubious file.”
Mircea Toma