Lucreaza impreuna. Construieste impreuna. Cum? OFENSIV, ORGANIZAT, GENEROS. Performeaza-ti ideile. Pune-le in practica. PER FOR MAS. Simplul act de a aduce oamenii impreuna tinde sa fie arta. Arta este LABORATOR de idei, metode, unelte si resurse. Documenteaza acum. Scrie acum. Acesta este timpul si inregistrarea lui. Construieste, de-construieste, re-construieste acum. Calitatea procesului de lucru valideaza produsul artistic final. Transparentizeaza procesul. Nu fii individualist, da mai departe! OPEN SOURCE. Ia in calcul semnificatia vietii de zi cu zi. Viata de zi cu zi este resursa. Oamenii sunt experti ai vietii de zi cu zi. Nu-i.ignora! Comunitatea de creatie aduce impreuna experti ai vietii de zi cu zi si artisti independenti. Oricine poate fi creator in spatiul sau comunitar – are dreptul, libertatea si responsabilitatea. Auto-organizarea spatiului comunitar poate fi privita ca ARTA. Libertatea de expresie impune auto-determinarea, auto-reprezentarea comunitara. Strada este arta lucrurilor marunte. Scrie MICROISTORIA strazii. Strada este ARTA. FORMA si CONTINUT in acelasi TIMP! Notiunea de BINE (Etic) este la fel de importanta ca si cea de FRUMOS (Estetic). FII LIBER! Supune criticii orice autoritate! Democratia participativa ia atitudine in fata sistemelor instituite. Democratie acum! Acesta este timpul si inregistrarea lui. FII REALIST! Nepermis, nereprezentat, nerecunoscut, neinteles,
Acesta este timpul si inregistrarea lui,
Bucuresti, Marti, 1 Decembrie 2009.
Work together. Build up together. How? OFFENSIVE, ORGANISED, GENEROUS. Perform your ideas. Put them into practice. PER FOR MAS. The simple act of bringing people together tends to be art. Art is laboratory. Lab of Ideas, methods, tools and resources. Document now. Write now. This is the time and this is its record. Construct, de-Construct and re-Construct now. Working process quality enables final artistic product. Make the process transparent. Do not be an individualist, pass it on! OPEN SOURCE. Take into account the everyday meaning. Everyday life is a resource. People are everyday experts. Do not ignore them! Creative community brings together everyday experts and independent artists. Everybody can community create – one has got the right, freedom and responsibility. Community self-organisation can be regarded as art. Freedom of expression enforces community self-determination, self-representation. Street is the art of minor things. Write now the street’s MICRO HISTORY. Street is art. Shape and content in the same time! The concept of Good (ethic) is as important as FINE (Esthetic). BE FREE! Be critical to the authority. Participatory democracy takes an attitude towards institutional systems. Democracy now! This is the time and this is its record. BE REALIST! Not-allowed, not-represented, not-known, not-understood,
demand the impossible!
This is the time and its record.
Bucharest, on Tuesday, December, 1st 2009.

1 comment:
Good jobb
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