After lunch, the creative community started to gather around at laBOMBA. The lobby is full of posters, screw bolts and craftsmen. The Active watch Manifest banners are layed out. The children: Francisca, Mari, Romeo and Florin are taking out the staples from the previous banners to make room for the new ones. The children find new niches in LaBOMBA to lay down the old banners. The display is being set-up, sound is installed, and last minute adjustments are made. The musicians are arriving (Iordache, Emi, Mandela, Alex Anastasiu, Sorin Romanescu) but before starting to rehearse, they give a hand to arrange things around.
17 :00 – people have already started to arrive. From the lobby, a bit too narrow, one can hear the sound-check for the children’s mini concert, basically a bonus concert to make waiting more pleasant and raise the expectations. People are invited to step into the room. We make a brief introduction, trying to say that the mini concert Biluna music was chosen on purpose to open the debate dedicated to the International Day of Human Rights. Music can explain better than us, however, full with enthusiasm, the fifteen minutes foreseen for the concert are exceeded. On the last song, our guests of honour arrive at the event, that would not have happened if it wasn’t for their support – the ambassador of Netherlands in Bucharest – H.E. Ms. Maria Wilhelmina Josepha Antonia van Gool, together with two officials from the embassy (Caroline Seebregts and Iwan Rutjens).
H.E Ms. Maria Wilhelmina Josepha Antonia van Gool’ speech officially opens the debate; the speech focuses on the good collaboration (both from the past and present) between the embassy and the two organising NGOs - laBOMBAstudios and ActiveWatch.
Afterwards, people are invited in the panel - Mircea Toma - the debate’s mediator, Nicolae Mandea – dean of the Theatre Academy UNATC, Adrian Guta – professor of Theory and Art History, Mihai Iordache – musician, saxophonist, Cristina Cotenescu on behalf of the Ministry of Culture, Maria Draghici – independent artist and programme coordinator laBOMBA – Community Centre for Education and Active Art.
Mircea Toma sets up the debate’s points to be conidered, addressing issues such as urban development that lacks the human stamp, and man as a collateral victim of this urban development. Refering to laBOMBA venue, Mircea Toma talks about how the community made out of artists and Rahova-Uranus community members has become a cultural community through all experiences built-up from the Ofensiva Generozitatii projects and programmes, since 2006. Unfortunately, the uncertain case of laBOMBA’s venue triggers the situation of „a tooth about to be extracted”. In his introduction, he reminds the audience about the street protest that we all wanted to do when finding about the eviction. He concludes with tackling corruption versus human rights issue.
And, because the local authorities did not respond to the invitation to participate in the debate, the talk focuses on points of departure for possible action to consider. How should we attract the authorities’ attention in order for them to get involved and support such initiatives on a long term? Are there any solutions? How should artists stand in these cases? What are the position and the role of the independent artist in Romania? What is the need for community representation venues in Romania, starting with laBOMBA Rahova-Uranus as an example?
Cristina Cotenescu, on behalf of Alexandru Balasescu, head of the minister’s cabinet within the Ministry of Culture, states that the Ministry of Culture is present at the debate therefore the authority is represented in this sense, and that the Ministry of Culture has supported and will support in the future laBombastudios. As well, the „Utilitate Publica” organisation is addressed as a possible solution for laBOMBA. The question arises: Is this a way? Promisses? We are waiting... In the end, Cristina Cotenescu says that we could set LaBomba as a pilot centre that could be replicated and followed at a national level for underdeveloped urban and rural areas.
Mircea Toma says we are at a point at which we should probably start and educate the City Council.
Adrian Guta starts by saying that, in his opinion, the project cannot be replicated. Nicolae Mandea does not agree and therefore a debate is being started on how generally, artists and society should get involved, in order for positive action to be generated. The word that keeps appearing in the discussion is activism. Maria Draghici says that she considers herself a responsible artist, rather than an activist on duty; which does not exclude being active or activist. The term activist creates a controversy over its meaning, as it alludes to a concept from the communist regime. Mihai Iordache intervenes and addresses the lack of an ideal left. This leads to the fact that people should self-organise themselves. Yet, Nicu Mandea emphasises the need to get over the negative perception of the word. He reinforces that such actions OFFENSIVE, ORGANISED, GENEROUS can be replicated. Maria: “Maybe we should announce our stepping into illegal terms? Should we start squatting in the name of a more aggressive activism? TO BE ORGANISED…The creative community has done its duty for three years now, and will keep on doing it. GENEROUS… this is what we’ve done in Rahova-Uranus! OFFENSIVE…What is there to be lost? Anyway, the City Council has never responded to our repeated invitations of facing up reality.
The embassy’s officials are invited to join the debate. Following their approach, squatting issue arises. Pulay Gergo, an anthropologist from Budapest, talks about how things have started to move on in this respect in Budapest, however still lacking a major frame. Nicolae Mandea concludes by saying squatting would not be necessarily a solution for Romania, as we are dealing with an underdeveloped country.
In the end, Voicu Radescu, brings back the Rahva-Uranus issue. If there is no intervention whatsoever HERE, NOW, at a micro level, if initiatives such as LaBOMBA are buried away, this is a defeat. Therefore, beyond any ideology, immediate and concrete support is required.

Dupa pranz Comunitatea de Creatie a inceput sa se stranga/adune in spatiul laBOMBA. Holul este plin de afise, holtzsuruburi si mesteri. Se amplaseaza banner-ele cu MANIFESTUL ACTIVE WATCH. Copiii: Francisca, Mari, Romeo si Florin desprind capsele din afisele anterioare, scoase pentru a face spatiu montarii banner-elor. Copiii gasesc noi firide in laBOMBA pentru re-amplasarea afiselor vechi. Se monteaza ecranul, se instaleaza sunetul, se fac ultimele pregatiri. Sosesc muzicienii (iordache, Emi, Mandela, Alex Anastasiu, Sorin Romanescu) care, inainte de a canta, ajuta la amenajarea spatiului.
Ora 17 :00 – in hol publicul a inceput deja sa se adune. In stramtul spatiu al micutului hol se aude sound-check-ul pentru mini-concertul copiilor, practic un concert-bonus pentru a face asteptarea mai placuta si a ridica asteptarile.
Invitam publicul in sala. Facem o scurta introducere, incercand sa povestim ca nu intamplator am ales sa incepem cu un mini-concert Biluna o dezbatere dedicata Zilei Internationale a Drepturilor Omului. Muzica poate explica mai bine ca noi, mini-concertul depasind cele cincisprezece minute programate datorita entuziasmului nascut la fata locului. Pe ultima piesa sosesc invitatii de onoare, cu sprijinul carora evenimentul a fost posibil – ambasadoarea Regatului Tarilor de Jos la Bucuresti - E.S. Dna. Maria Wilhelmina Josepha Antonia van Gool, impreuna cu doi reprezentanti ai ambasadei (Caroline Seebregts si Iwan Rutjens). Dezbaterea este oficial deschisa de discursul E.S. Dna. Maria Wilhelmina Josepha Antonia van Gool, discurs care pune accentul pe buna colaborare (din trecut si din prezent) dintre ambasada si cele doua ONG-uri organizatoare - laBOMBAstudios si ActiveWatch.
Sunt invitati apoi in panel Mircea Toma – moderatorul dezbaterii, Nicolae Mandea – decan Facultatea de Teatru UNATC, Adrian Guta – profesor de Teorie si Istoria Artei UNA, Mihai Iordache – muzician, saxofonist, Cristina Cotenescu – reprezentant al MCCPN, Maria Draghici – artist independent si coordonator programme laBOMBA - Centrul Comunitar pentru Educatie si Arta Activa Rahova-Uranus.
Mircea Toma stabileste coordonatele dezbaterii, vorbind despre dezvoltarea urbana din care lipseste amprenta umana, despre om ca victima colaterala a acestei dezvoltari urbane. Referitor la spatiul laBOMBA, Mircea Toma vorbeste despre cum comunitatea formata din artisti si din membri ai comunitatii Rahova-Uranus a devenit o comunitate culturala prin intermediul tuturor experientelor acumulate in jurul proiectelor si programelor desfasurate de Ofensiva Generozitatii in Rahova-Uranus din 2006. Din pacate, situatia incerta a spatiului laBOMBA ii determina in prezent „statutul de masea pe punctul de a fi extrasa”. Aminteste in intorducerea sa depre faptul ca impreuna am vrut sa facem un protest stradal cand am auzit ca spatiul trebuie evacuat. Isi incheie introducerea prin punerea pe tapet a problemei coruptiei vs. drepturile omului.
Si pentru ca autoritatile locale nu au raspuns invitatiei de a participa la aceasta dezbatere, desi au fost invitate, discutia se centreaza pe posibile directii de actiune. Care ar fi solutia de a atrage atentia autoritatilor spre implicare si sustinerea unor astfel de initiative pe termen lung ? Exista solutii ? Cum ar trebui sa se raporteze artistii la astfel de situatii ? Care este statutul si mai ales rolul artistului independent in Romania ? Cata nevoie este de spatii de reprezentare comunitara in Romania, pornind de la exemplul laBOMBA Rahova-Uranus ?
Cristina Cotenescu, reprezentanta a MCCPN ia cuvantul, precizand ca o parte a autoritatii este totusi reprezentata la dezbate prin prezenta ministerului. Public se anunta din partea ministerului ca asociatia laBOMBAstudios va fi declarata de utilitate publica. Se naste intrebarea daca poate fi asta o cale? Promisiuni ? Asteptam…
Mircea Toma stabileste ca suntem in punctul in care, poate trebuie sa incepem sa facem educatie primariei.
Adrian Guta ia cuvantul, spunand ca in opinia sa, proiectul nu poate fi replicat. Nicolae Mandea isi exprima dezacordul si astfel se ajunge la a dezbate despre cum ar trebui sa se implice artistii si societatea in general pentru a putea genera actiune pozitiva. Cuvantul cel mai des vehiculat este activism. Maria Draghici precizeaza ca se considera mai degraba un artist responsabil, nu un activist « de servici ». Asta nu exclude, desigur, a fi activ sau activist. Termenul lansat in discutie creeaza controverse, datorita reflexelor din perioada comunista. Mihai Iordache intervine si vorbeste despre lipsa unei stangi idéale. Asta duce de fapt, in consideratiile artistului, la faptul ca oamenii ar trebui sa se auto-organizeze. Nicu Mandea accentueaza ideea ca trebuie sa trecem peste perceptia negativa a cuvantului activism . Si ca tipul de actiune OFENSIV, ORGANIZAT, GENEROS poate fi replicat. Maria: „Poate ar trebui sa ne anuntam intrarea in ilegalitate? Sa incepem sa squat-am in numele unui activism mai féroce? De ORGANIZAT… Comunitatea de creatie din jurul Centrului Comunitar laBOMBA si-a facut datoria timp de trei ani, si si-o va face in continuare. GENEROS... s-a probat in Rahova-Uranus! OFENSIV… Ce am mai avea de pierdut acum? Primaria oricum nu raspunde niciodata la apelurile successive de a privi realitatea drept in fata.
Sunt invitati in discutie reprezentantii ambasadei.
In urma interventiei olandeze, se pune problema squatingului. Pulay Gergo, antropolog din Budapesta, povesteste despre un mic avans pe care l-a observat in ultimii ani in orasul sau privind acest subiect, ramas, totusi, la un nivel timid. Nicolae Mandea intervine spunand ca nu este neaparat o solutie pentru Romania, pentru ca suntem o tara subdezvoltata.
In final intervine Voicu Radescu, readucand in prim-plan subiectul Rahova-Uranus. Daca nu se intervine AICI, ACUM, la nivel micro, daca se ingroapa o initiativa de tipul laBOMBA, asta reprezinta o infrangere. De aceea se solicita sprijin imediat pentru situatii punctuale, dincolo de orice ideologie.
Dupa, lumea ramane in hol la discutii prelungite – poate mult mai aprinse si mai punctuale ca in fata microfonului. Sala laBOMBA este pregatita pentru sarbatoare : toata comunitatea de creatie se aduna sa petreaca timp impreuna la o cafea tarzie. DJ Vasile si DJ Cristina se ocupa de partea muzicala. Daca in timpul dezbateriii copiii s-au retras discret, in momentul de sarbatoare apar aranjati pentru petrecere si relanseaza seara.

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